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Tmavší odtieň mágie - Victoria Schwab, Slovart, 2023
The Tristan Betrayal - Robert Ludlum, Orion, 2010

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The Tristan Betrayal - Robert Ludlum, Orion, 2010
The Tristan Betrayal - Robert Ludlum, Orion, 2010

The Tristan Betrayal

In the fall of 1940, the Nazis are at the height of their power - France is occupied, Britain is enduring the Blitz and is under threat of invasion, America is neutral and... Čítať viac

Orion, 2010
506 strán
7 hodín čítania

In the fall of 1940, the Nazis are at the height of their power - France is occupied, Britain is enduring the Blitz and is under threat of invasion, America is neutral and Russia is in an uneasy alliance with Germany... Čítať viac

  • Brožovaná väzba
  • Angličtina

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Ďalšie knižné vydania (2)
Tristanova zrada - Robert Ludlum, Domino, 2011
Pevná väzba
Čeština, 2011

Tristanova zrada - Robert Ludlum, Domino, 2005
Pevná väzba
Čeština, 2005

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David Goggins: Nikdy sa nezastavím. Motýľ, 2024
The Tristan Betrayal - Robert Ludlum, Orion, 2010
10,99 €

Viac o knihe

In the fall of 1940, the Nazis are at the height of their power - France is occupied, Britain is enduring the Blitz and is under threat of invasion, America is neutral and Russia is in an uneasy alliance with Germany. Stephen Metcalfe, the younger son of a prominent American family, is a well-known man about town in occupied Paris. He`s also a minor asset in the US`s secret intelligence forces in Europe. Through a wild twist of fate, it falls to Metcalfe to instigate a bold plan that may be the only hope for what remains of the free world. Now he must travel to wartime Moscow to find, and possibly betray, a former lover - a fiery ballerina whose own loyalties are in question - in a delicate dance that could destroy all he loves and honours.

In 1991, the Communist empire is on the verge of collapse. President Gorbachev is a virtual prisoner of his military, and a coup to return to Russia the glories of her past is being hatched by a powerful new cabal. Stephen Metcalfe, now a retired Ambassador, must return to Moscow and finally reveal a secret that has haunted him for the forty years since the fall of Berlin. A secret that might just avert World War III...
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brožovaná väzba
130×198 mm
364 g
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Neoverený nákup
Jedna z najlepších kníh, aké som kedy čítala. Má vyše 400 strán, ale zhltla som ju ani nie za tri dni. Je plná napätia, má úžasne prepracovaný dej do posledného detailu. Hlavný hrdina pohol kolesom dejín hneď dvakrát a záver, ten vyrazí dych... Autor nezabudol na množstvo zaujímavých a reálnych faktov z vojny priamo zo stanov Stalina a Hitlera. Čítať viac

Robert Ludlum

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„Päť minút. Toľko stačí na to, aby sa vám zrútil svet.“

Končí sa to nami - Colleen Hoover, 2022
Končí sa to nami
  • Colleen Hoover